These weeks have been fun! The weather has been much nicer, so we have been able to get out a lot more. The most exciting thing has been Landon's facial expressions. He has started smiling a lot, and is starting to show his personality!
He is still only sleeping a couple hours at a time. He wakes up to eat every 2.5-3 hours all night long. but, he has gotten better at falling back asleep quickly during the night. Brian and I have gotten used to his schedule - it is amazing how you can adapt! I am hopeful that we will have a night of 4 hours of sleep very soon!
His one month appointment went great! He now weighs 9 pounds, and is 22 inches long. He is 50th percentile for height, and is still 25th percentile for weight.
Here are some of my favorite photos from weeks 3-5
Michigan hat from Aunty Raina!

One of his early smiles ... This one may have been gas :)

Real smile :)
March of Dimes with Brians coworkers
One month old!

Landon is dreaming of our June vacation :)
When Landon was almost 2 weeks old, we did a professional photo shoot with Amy Ellert from Into Wishin Photography. Amy came to our house and set up a portrait session in our living room. She was great with Landon! He was surprisingly cooperative - especially considering that he hates being cold. Here are my favorite photos from the shoot,
We went to Aunt Barb and Uncle Barry's house for Easter. Everyone enjoyed meeting Landon, and he was very well behaved!
Brian and Landon in their Easter outfits,

Landon meets Aunt Laureen,
Aunt Barb hanging out with the little guy,
Landon has had a ton of visitors! Everyone was so generous ... Bringing us gifts and wonderful food! We got some photos, but we didn't catch everyone.
Landon loved GG!
Grandpa V
Grandpas OSU jacket with Landon's Michigan hat!
Matt, Maddy and Landon

The Vickery's
The Tedfords brought us some amazing lasagna!
Great-uncle Denny ... Worried about the newest Young Buck! :-)
Cousin Jasmine
Aunty Soni and Uncle Ramesh drove down all the way from Toronto! Our first international visitors!
Hans and Megan came to visit with their daughters Claire and Caitlin. Caitlin is only one week older than Landon!

Aunty Raina ... Excuse me "aunt" Raina came down for a few nights
Dan and Sarah came to visit from Columbus

We had lots of other visitors ... Sorry we didn't get photos of everyone.
Thank you everyone for visiting!
Week 1 had a lot of sleepy days, and not-so-sleepy nights. My mom stayed at our house for the week ... Which was a huge help!
We went to the pediatrician at the end of his first week. He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces (back to his birth weight), and was 20.75 inches long.
Landon and Brian watched the OSU final four game (Landon slept through most of it!)

First bath! Definitely not enjoyable for the little guy!!

One of our favorite pictures ... After the bath

Other photos from week 1