I would say that my labor and delivery was "interesting". It wasn't painful, it was just a long and non-typical day and a half! The day before my due date, I went to the doctors office for an ultrasound and checkup. During the exam, the midwife accidentally broke my water! They kept me in the doctors office for about an hour, and then they instructed me to get some lunch and go to the hospital. Brian and I were all checked into our hospital room at Bethesda North by 1 pm. At 3pm, they induced me, since the labor wasn't progressing. The pain got pretty bad at 5pm ... So, I asked for an epidural. It was definitely a lifesaver! At that point, the waiting began. At some point during the evening, the baby started showing distress due to the contractions, so, they stopped the pitocin. Without the pitocin, my labor stopped progressing. We waited all night, but it still didn't progress. I also developed a low grade fever, that the midwife was worried about. At 6 am, they decided to do a c-section - and I was completely ready! Beautiful Landon was born at 7:10 AM!
He was not breathing great when he was born ... And I am told his color was a little blue. But he quickly returned to normal.

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